Friday, June 4, 2010

Yesler Swamp Work Party Tomorrow

Tomorrow from 10 a.m. to noon, Friends of Yesler Swamp, will be having a work party in the Yesler Swamp.

The main tasks will be spreading wood chips on the paths, pulling ivy and planting native species.

Tools will be available and light refreshments will be served.

Meet at the east parking lot of the Center for Urban Horticulture on NE 41st.

And some other news from the group, in a recent post on their blog "Latest News From Yesler Swamp," on May 17th it says, "Enjoy a stroll through Yesler Swamp on the new wood-chip path! Thanks to the hard work of friends and neighbors, we have the beginnings of a path that enables walkers to view parts of the Swamp up close and makes it easier to remove ivy and other invasive plants."

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