Friday, June 11, 2010

Beach Club Opens Tomorrow, Limited Parking

(re-posting with an update on the construction situation)

Tomorrow the Beach Club opens for the summer and sunny skies are expected.

Members are encouraged to participate in the opening day work party starting at 9am. They'll have food, drinks and you'll also get the new 22 ounce 2010 Laurelhurst Beach Club reusable cup.

The LBC newsletter says, "Please come prepared to renew your friendships with your neighbors, board members, and your LBC employees - while you help us do what has to be done to prepare the facility for the summer."

Members may find mmuch fewer parking spaces this summer as Seattle City Light continues its utility upgrade originally scheduled to be completed by June 1st.

The LBC Board had a meeting with the City on June 8th to see if work could be postponed or have limited hours during the summer and were unsuccessful with their request at the meeting.

Instead the Board learned that work will continue until August 18th or later Monday through Friday from 7-3pm.

Therefore there is no parking or drop-off available in front of the Beach Club as it stands now, from the LBC's latest communication today. Construction vehicles and earth movers will be moving around and be parked in that area during on and off-work hours.

The Board is still working on other options with the City - having a construction flagger and LBC employee help with getting members through the construction area, opening a portion of the street to members for drop off only, and possible "legal action is being explored" the communication to members states.

"Our number one concern, as always, is the safety of LBC members and their guests. The City's refusal to consider a limited postponement of this project until after Labor Day presents risks that are both obvious and, in the Board's opinion, unnecessarily serious, particularly to small children and the elderly.

But until we resolve or mitigate those risks, it will be incumbent upon each of you and your guests to be extremely vigilant when coming down to the LBC this summer. BE ALERT, BE SAFE, BE CAUTIOUS," the LBC communication states.

There have also been some changes and improvements based on member feedback which will be fun to see:

  • New sinks on the Adult Deck and Fireplace Patio
  • Guard shack has been re-configured so that the guards can see out better as well as access items more easily in other areas of the club - such as life jackets,etc.
  • New outdoor shower, as well as usual foot rinsing area is between the bathrooms
  • Both of the older diving boards have been replaced
  • Lockable cubbies are available for rent

The Beach Club hours are seasonal and it scheduled to be open until mid-September.

If you haven't been there, and live within the Beach Club Boundaries (generally south of NE 50th) the initiation fee is around $1250 and member dues are about $360 this year.

There are many amenities including the great location, view, sandy beach and life guard enclosed swimming area, sailing program, rental kayaks and more.

Now let's hope for lots of sun and warm days!

(photo courtesy of

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