Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Clay and Pottery Classes Starting This Week at the Community Center

The Community Center sent out this new list of classes starting this week.

Register for all classes on SPARC--ONLINE REGISTRATION


Clay Creations

Ages 4-6

Children will create several projects based on animals and their environment over the class set. Each week will focus on a children’s book and from that inspiration children will create a thematic piece inspired by the characters or theme of the book. Rolling, pushing, and playing with clay, color and cool tools. All materials included. Cost $119

Course #56640 Tuesdays 2:15-3 p.m.
Course #56641 Tuesdays 3:45-4:30 p.m.
Course #56642 Wednesdays 3:45-4:30 p.m.
Course #56643 Thursdays 3:45-4:30 p.m.

Clay Explorations

Ages 7-12

Come and explore your favorite forms in clay. Each student will be able to make several clay creations during the session. Emphasis will be on handbuilding skills, form, and fun with a short lesson each week about clay, creativity, idea building and sequencing a project. We will play with paperclay, scrafitto, multiple clay combining, and surface decoration, with at least one session on the wheel.

All materials included. Cost $180

Course #56644 Tuesdays 4:45-6 p.m.
Course #56833 Thursdays 4:45-6 p.m.

Clay for Small Hands

Ages 3-5

Clay is a great medium for the young artist. Using clay, Chris will bring 3D to storytelling, creating characters, parts of the story all while reinforcing through play; fine motor skills, sequencing, and reading skills and fun with muddy stuff. Caregivers are welcome to provide quiet support while kids learn to work independently.

All materials provided. Cost $119

Course #56645 Tuesdays 11-11:45 a.m.
Course #56131 Thursdays 11-11:45 a.m.


Adult Mixed Media


Design your own mixed media project. Chris will discuss, present and demonstrate several different mediums to help discover how to create your own personal piece. In a relaxed supportive environment you will learn beading, clay hand building, collage art, image transfer and mixed media. Bring a notebook or sketchbook the first day of class.

Course #56639 Wednesdays 12 noon –2 p.m.

Evening Ceramics for Adults


Beginning and intermediate handbuilding will be emphasized (as well as time on the wheel for the experienced thrower). Each week there will be demos in handbuilding techniques, surface treatment, paper clay, scrafitto, markmaking and other techniques. Chris will provide plenty of time for the student who just wants to get some time in on the wheel or work on their own. Studio time outside of class along with firing support and glaze use will be available.

Course #55933 Thursdays 6:30-9p.m.

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