*If you take your children shopping, teach them to go to a police officer or a store security guard if they get separated or lost.
*Carry your purse close to your body, not dangling by the straps. Put a wallet in an inside coat or front pants pocket.
*Avoid carrying a large amount of cash. Use credit cards or checks and carry your Washington State Drivers License or ID card with you.
*Beware of strangers approaching you for any reason. Criminals may try to distract and confuse you with the intention of taking your money or belongings.
*Don’t leave anything of value in your car. Packages and shopping bags should be hidden way from sight. Don’t just cover them with a coat or blanket.
*Park in a lighted area and lock your vehicle doors.
Car Prowl Prevention:
*When you exit or enter your parked vehicle, take a moment to look around the area.
*Turn off and lock your car whenever you have to walk away from it. Never leave your car idling.
*Leave No Valuables in Your Car. Items of little or no value to you still look inviting to a thief. *Put items in your car trunk out of sight. Do this when you get to your car, rather than waiting until you park at your next stop.
*Beware of strangers who bump, shove or get too close. Pickpockets may use these diversions to lift your wallet.
*Be cautious of those you don’t know who offer to carry bags and packages for you. Depending on where you shop, store personnel or mall security may offer assistance in carrying packages to your car or escorting you to your vehicle.
*If you have to return to your car to store purchases, place them in the trunk out of sight. Do this when you get to your car, rather than waiting until you park at your next stop.
*Before returning to your car, make sure you’re not over-burdened with packages. Have your car keys in hand to avoid “searching” for them when you reach your car.
*Don’t walk away from the cash machine counting your money. That’s an invitation to someone who may not have the best of intentions in mind.
*Secure your money and your bankcard or credit card back in your wallet or pocket before leaving the ATM.
*Beware of strangers hanging around the ATM. Wait until they leave, or consider using an alternate cash machine.
*You should report suspicious people to bank personnel, mall security and/or police.
*Using the ATM inside a major grocery store might be a better alternative to using one on the street, especially during hours of darkness
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