We did a story last month about the Walktober Challenge that Laurelhurst Elementary School took part in.
Ellen Aagaard, an avid bike commuter mom (check out her story - also very interesting), involved with Safe Routes to School, sent us some follow-up information and great photos of the diligent kids involved in the challenge.
She says "For Walktober this year families pledged to increase their personal health and our planet's environmental health by walking and biking to school all month long. Kids kept track of their walking & biking trips (yellow bus riders could count the walk to the bus stop as their walk to school) on a tracking calendar and at the end of the month they turned in their calendar for a little prize (foot charms & shoelaces for grades K-2; raffle tickets for grades 3-5).
Laurelhurst and Bryant elementaries received a grant from SDOT for a year-long advocacy program to encourage families to walk and bike to school; we used some of those funds to pay for Walktober prizes. Super Jock'n'Jill also donated gift certificates and merchandise, and Cafe Javasti donated hot chocolate for the celebration.
Debby Halperin, a teacher at Laurelhurst Elementary, is using the data for "real life" math experiences in her 3rd grade classroom; the kids will total and analyze the school's Walktober trips, so for information about how many kids participated, how many total trips were made, etc."
Sounds like Walktober was a big success!

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