Tomorrow is Green Seattle Day hosted by the Green Seattle Partnership. In parks and greenspaces all over the city many groups of volunteers will be working to make our city a little greener.
In our neck of the woods in NE Seattle, groups will gather at several locations - Ravenna Park, Burke-Gilman Trail and on Sunday at Magnuson Promotory Point.
For each location, you need to register in advance.
The Burke-Gilman registration page says, "Join us for a great planting party, children are encouraged to join us with their parents.
"Another chance to better the habitat! Come for an hour or more; every minutes helps! Plant one plant or three!" says the website registration page for Magnuson.
Green Seattle Partnership hopes to recruit 1,000 volunteers for Seattle’s largest day of tree planting and to kick off the 2009/2010 planting season.
"Green Seattle Day is more than a restoration event, it is a recognition of the benefits of our urban forests, a celebration of our commitment to a healthy city, and a statement of Seattle’s civic-minded values," their website says.
"Most importantly Green Seattle Day is a fun way for you and your family to get involved by planting native trees and shrubs in a park near you."
Volunteers will be planting from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 16 locations throughout the city rain or shine. For questions contact info@greenseattle.org or call 206-905-6906.
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