Monday, October 26, 2009

Laurelhurst School Safety Bulletin

Laurelhurst Elementary School sent out an urgent bulletin to parents last night in response to some dangerous situations that have come up lately compromising the safety of the children.

"You'd Better Watch Out! Our children are in DANGER! We need EVERYONE'S HELP! The life you save may be that of your very own child," the School News Bulletin says.

Some rules listed and also helpful for those neighbors that live around the school:

*Only drive clockwise around the school building, only let your child off on the curb side of your vehicle, do not let them jay-walk across the street (with or without you)

*Use the designated load zones to load and off-load

*Do not ever park or leave your vehicle in a designated load zone

*Drive slowly and cautiously and don't make U-turns or block neighbors driveways


*Do not stop your car within 15 feet of the crosswalks

*Do not enter the marked crosswalk with your car, going forward or in reverse, when loading/off-loading.

*Use the pedestrian overpass for students living south of NE 45th

*Get off bicycles and walk them across the street

*Do not park too close to the curb corners at intersections and make sure that you are not blocking any neighbors’ driveways

"The safety of anyone using the crosswalk, and of the student volunteer safety patrol crossing guards is more important than whatever a driver is late for," says the Bulletin.

And this notice to parents:

"By the way, you'd better watch out! We have Seattle Police and Seattle Dept. of Transportation helping us with this BIG problem. You may have seen the parking enforcement officers around ticketing cars who are illegally parked, and the motorcycle police warning and ticketing drivers who are speeding in the 20 mph school zone or for other parking/moving violations. We have asked for their continued help after a number of very dangerous actions by (presumed) parents dropping their children off. Now that you have read about the problems, please help be part of the solution!"

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