Piece by piece, the papier-mâché sculpture, "Anew," by artist Cyra Hobson, has been spirited away. Not a single piece of it is left at Gas Works Park in Seattle.
By Seattle Times staff
Piece by piece, the papier-mâché sculpture, "Anew," by artist Cyra Hobson, has been spirited away.
First to go Thursday was the large human-size, gold-colored man who stood on the waterfront of Seattle's Lake Union. He showed up Thursday in front of play equipment at the Laurelhurst Community Center, 4554 Northeast 41st St.
The Seattle Parks Department doesn't know who kidnapped him away from Gas Works, or why he was left in Laurelhurst, but parks officials picked him up and put him in storage.
While still at Gas Works Park, the man was surrounded by pods or shells, many with representations of human head's emerging from them.
Now, the pods with heads are also gone.
The city, which initially planned to dismantle the sculpture Thursday, said it could remain through Labor Day. Hobson said she would give the pieces away, rather than take them to the dump.
Hobson, 31, said she was "amazed and overwhelmed" by the response to the art.
When she learned the pieces were disappearing she said, "It's sad that people didn't let them alone until Labor Day. Very sad."
Copyright © The Seattle Times Company

The gold man who was the centerpiece of a sculpture at Seattle's Gas Works Park was stolen from the park on Thursday and reappeared in front of playground equipment at the Laurelhurst Community center. Seattle Parks officials have placed him in storage.
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