Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Record Numbers at the Beach Club

699! That is the number the front desk told us when we asked how many people had been at the Beach Club yesterday. 699!

And over 100 guests had signed in to make it almost 800 folks trying to cool off.

The check-in person also said every table is booked - 15 tables in total - till Monday with 6 parties on the waiting list for every day.

Pizza delivery guys from various places were constantly running in and out with deliveries.

"We have never seen it like this," one member told us. We went there last night and have never in our many years of going there seen so many people.

The grass had over 150 people on it having dinner and relaxing. The water from our count had over 65 people in it at the time we were in it.

And on top of that the parking! One person told us he had to park half-way up 41st. The top of the hill was jam-packed with cars as were side streets, even Latimer Drive, had cars spilling on to it, with the overflow of cars.

One of our staffers hopes to get a picture tonight...really incredible to see the club busting at the seams.

So great there is a place to go to escape the heat and what a beautiful night.

Today will probably see more people with the temperatures inching up a few more degrees today.

Stock photo - we'll update it when one of our staffers swings by today...

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