The Microsoft Connector bus has been serving Laurelhurst, among many other Seattle neighborhoods, for almost 2 years now. The one seen driving around our neighborhood actually has a stop called the "Laurelhurst stop" though the bus doesn't stop in Laurelhurst proper at all! Microsoft received lots and lots of feedback from neighbors working at Microsoft about having an actual stop in Laurelhurst. Many suggested the Wells Fargo Bank. But it seems permits, etc. didn't seem to work for having a stop in the neighborhood. Among other things, there has to be ample parking close to the stop available for commuters to leave their cars while at work.
So the green and white busses you see about every half hour starting at 6am for the drive over and 4pm for the return (this new early time just started for the summer) go on Sandpoint then turn left onto 40th and the actual "Laurelhurst stop" is in front of the Metropolitan Market. Then the bus continues it stops in Viewridge before making a loop to get back on 520.
We hear the bus ride is very quiet to and from Microsoft from one of our readers. All you hear is the tapping of keyboards. No one talks as there is Wi-fi access and the busses are equipped with AC power. Many people who ride every day at the same start and leaving times, seem to sit in the same seats every day, though no seats are assigned. It's just understood amongst the riders. Quite a luxury to leave the rush hour stressful driving to someone else and sail along in the HOV lane. This 12 mile commute usually takes about 45 minutes and sometimes much more if you're a SOV (single occupancy vehicle).
I take the FREE Children's shuttle (Green Line) downtown all the time. The last time I went downtown it stopped at the Greyhound bus station, then at Pacific Place. It may have an additional stop after that, but those two spots are where I get off. Saves parking money, waiting for the #75, and the thrill of waiting on 3rd Ave for the #75 to get home. I was told by a Children's staff member that it is free to anyone, and I have never been asked if I work there or have a patient connection. Check it out.
I meant the #25 Laurelhurst bus in my message above, although I think the 375 gets us this way too!
Thanks for posting about the Children's Hospital shuttle. I didn't know about that!
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